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Photo credit © Stephanie Hall, retrospect photography

I’m Kylee-Anne Hingston, an Assistant Professor of English at St. Thomas More College, where I teach courses such as Children’s Literature, Reading Culture, and the British Novel, 1800–1850.

My book Articulating Bodies (2019) traces the patterns of focalization and narrative structure across seven decades of the nineteenth century and in six different genres, demonstrating how Victorian fiction articulates disability through narrative form as well as through narrative theme. I have published on related topics in journals such as Women’s WritingVictorian Literature and CultureThe Journal of Disability and Religion, and in the digital collection Nineteenth-Century Disability: Cultures and Contexts.

My teaching philosophy states that my role as an educator is to empower students to see themselves as active scholars who contribute to the learning of their fellow classmates and to their community. At St. Thomas More College, I have the privilege of encouraging active community engagement in students as part of their scholarly research, including Community Service Learning assignments in Reading Culture.

My research interests and publications cover such topics as Victorian literature, disability studies, children’s literature, narratology, religion and literature, and pedagogy. In my upcoming project, I am researching prominent mid-Victorian religious periodicals from various denominational backgrounds to uncover religious doctrine’s vital involvement in the Victorian conceptualization of disability and illness. I have presented on this research at such conferences as the Armstrong Browning Library’s 2016 “Uses of Religion in 19th Century Studies” and the British Women’s Writers Association’s 2018 “New Directions” Conference.